The Routeburn Track is beautiful any time of year, and in any type of weather.  However it is vitally important that you are well prepared for rain or shine, as well as those low temperatures – especially during the shoulder Great Walk season.  Yesterday walkers and runners were treated to an impressive blanket of snow from Lake Mackenzie to Routeburn Falls.

Routeburn Basin Snow Routeburn Track snow

The weather will help to make your trip amazing, however only if you are comfortable and have the right gear.  Always take rain proof and also warm clothing, plus of course enough food to keep your energy levels up if it is cold and wet.

Lake Mackenzie snow

Remember – it’s all about your attitude, and packing that good old sense of adventure.  So be smart, but don’t let a little rain or snow change your plans – you may miss out on the most memorable experience of your trip.

Scott and Chantal

Thanks to my fantastic runners Scott and Chantal for taking the Routeburn snow challenge – and of course sharing these photos!