There many reason to walk the Routeburn Track in Spring. it’s such a nice time of year, the days are getting longer and weather getting warmer.  Spring also offers the snowy mountain look, which many people think is ideal for those standout scenic vistas.

Routeburn Track - Valley of the Trolls

Driving to Glenorchy from Queenstown certainly offers amazing views, however when you get away from the road, up into the mountains on the Routeburn Track and closer to the snowy remnants of winter, I really think the mountains are extra special.

Routeburn Track clearing near Lake Mackenzie

The routeburn track in spring offers fantastic views of distant mountain peaks, as well as those that bit more up close and personal.

Coming over the Harris Saddle is that point for me when it is such a struggle to leave my camera in the pocket.

If I just stop once to capture the moment I am doing well – actually I was rather proud this time as my other half even congratulated me on my minimal photo stop time.

Routeburn Track Lake Harris

However as we made it around the corner we both know he spoke too soon and I was there for another couple of minutes.  But as always, photos don’t do it justice, you have to be there.

Routeburn Track panoramic

Of course it is really important to be prepared for all weather and track conditions, especially when walking outside the DOC Great Walk Season.   If you are interested in more information about the Routeburn Track, or other walking tracks in Mt Aspiring or Fiordland National Park, drop me a line:  Tell your friends about our car relocation transport solution for no hassle adventuring.