My photo album is full of Routeburn Track photos! The Routeburn Track has such a variety of beautiful scenery – from the lush rainforest, to the alpine mirror tarns and glacier capped surrounding mountains. My favourite direction is from the Divide to the Routeburn Shelter – simply because you walk along the Hollyford Face towards the sea and take in stunning alpine views the whole way, and it’s down hill from the Harris saddle all the way to the Routeburn road end!

Even though I have walked this way a couple of times now, I still can’t resist taking a photo or two along the way. My addiction has reached dangerous levels – I’m not allowed to take a camera with me any more! My argument is my phone doesn’t count as a camera… Gotta love technology!

Check out our facebook page for more Routeburn Track photos from our recent adventures

Earland Falls - Routeburn Track

Earland Falls – Routeburn Track

Routeburn Track

Lake Mackenzie – Routeburn Track

Routeburn Track

Lake Mackenzie – Routeburn Track